Earth Year 2389:



While responding to a garbled distress call, the USS Dauntless finds itself in the inescapable grip of a terrifying black hole.

A Star Trek: Dauntless Adventure.


“I’d Still Like a Vulcan…”

Captain K’danz requests a new chief science officer to replace the late Commander T’Ashara.

A Star Trek: Bellerophon Adventure.

First Published on the Fifth Fleet Nova site.


“A Change in Perception”

The cadets of Starfleet Academy Class of ’90 learn their training cruise will take place aboard a vessel of the Federation Fifth Fleet.

A Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Adventure.



The crew of the USS Sarek are informed they will host the Academy Training cruise, and en route to their first mission with the cadets aboard the starship encounters a mysteriously abandoned space ship.

A Star Trek: Sarek Adventure.


“Loop – Part 2”

After narrowly escaping the Hoolin black hole, the damaged USS Dauntless attempts to return to Starbase 719 for repairs, but finds the starbase gone and a Kairn ship in the vicinity.

A Star Trek: Dauntless Adventure.



“Part 1”  “Part 2”  “Part 3”  “Part 4”

A love story between a Captain and his starship.

A Star Trek: Dauntless Adventure

First Published on the Fifth Fleet Nova site.


“Distant Early Warning”

The crew of the Bellerophon attempt to track down a scientist from the Daystrom Institute who appears to be heading for the location where the Intrepid-class starship encountered a biomechanical warship crewed by sentient robots.

A Star Trek: Bellerophon Adventure.



While performing a personnel transfer with a Morain patrol ship, Academy cadets Gem Koester and Kestra Brooks have an encounter with a creature right out of Morain legend.

A Star Trek: Sarek Adventure.

First Published on the Fifth Fleet Nova site.



The sentient robotic race the Bellerophon crew now calls the Cybots attacks and annihilates a humanoid civilization in the Fifth Fleet AOR.

A Star Trek: Fifth Fleet Adventure.


“True Crime”

Captain K’danz becomes more familiar with her new chief science officer, the Vulcan T’Var.

A Star Trek: Bellerophon Vignette.

First Published on the Fifth Fleet Nova site.


“Quantum Leap”

Admiral Raiajh and the crew of the USS Besiege find themselves strangers upon their return to Starbase 719.

A Star Trek: Besiege Adventure.


“So Much for the Little Training Cruise”

As the Academy cadet’s training cruise approaches its end, the Sarek is unexpectedly called away on a vital mission from which it may not return.

A Star Trek: Sarek Adventure.


“He Ain’t Heavy…”

The starship Titan pays a visit to Starbase 719, where Captain Riker has an unexpected encounter with his doppelganger.

A Star Trek: Dauntless Adventure.


“Operating in the Blind”

Two Federation starships must intervene when a duck blind is accidentally discovered hidden in a pre-warp society.

A Star Trek: Lexington/Sun Tzu Adventure.


“Wolf at the Door”

A killer is let loose aboard the starship Bellerophon, and it is up to Lt Zhadesh and Lt Commander T’Var to locate the killer.

A Star Trek: Bellerophon Adventure.


“The Dawn’s Early Light”

The Klingons begin a withdrawal from Romulan space, leaving a power vacuum to be filled by the warlord T’K’Lon.

A Star Trek: Fifth Fleet Adventure.


“The Returned”

“Part 1”  “Part 2”

A Federation prisoner on Rura Pente is released by the Klingons, but can he acclimate to life out of prison?

A Star Trek: Fifth Fleet Adventure.


“A Dish Best Served Cold”

A pair of Klingons who blame Fleet Captain Koester for their incarceration by the Romulans search for help in getting their revenge.

A Star Trek: Fifth Fleet Adventure.


“The Fall and Rise of the Romulan Empire”

The Romulans form a new Senate and a new government and invite influential members of Starfleet to witness the new beginning of their Empire.

A Double-Sized Star Trek: Fifth Fleet Adventure.




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